




전국 교육청 & 교수학습지원센터




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The Business Impact of e-Learning


                                         - Nick van

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 15

1.0 Introduction 17
1.1 Summary of the Research Approach 20
1.2 Overview of the Chapters 23

Part A : Theoretical Framework

2. e-Learning 25

2.0 Introduction 27
2.1 Learning Terminology 28
2.2 Learning Theory 33
2.3 The Role of Technology in Learning 40
2.4 Types of e-Learning 52
2.5 Concluding Remarks 57

3. e-Learning and Business Drivers 59

3.0 Introduction 61
3.1 Enterprise Transformation 63
3.2 Cost Reduction 70
3.3 Time-To-Competence 79
3.4 People Commitment 83
3.5 Concluding Remarks 87

4. Organizational Capabilities for e-Learning 91

4.0 Introduction 93
4.1 e-Learning Culture 94
4.2 e-Learning Design 99
4.3 e-Learning Technology 105
4.4 Performance Management 111
4.5 Effective e-Learning Implementation 115
4.6 Concluding Remarks 121
12 T H E B U S I N E S S I M P A C T O F E – L E A R N I N G

5. Measurement of e-Learning 123

5.0 Introduction 125
5.1 Business Measurement Framework 128
5.2 Learning Evaluation Frameworks 132
5.3 Return on Investment 137
5.4 Creation of Shareholder Value 147
5.5 Concluding Remarks 149

Part B : Research

6. Research Methodology 151

6.0 Introduction 153
6.1 Overview of the Research Framework 156
6.2 The Theoretical Framework 157
6.3 The Empirical Research 158
6.4 Research Results 168

Part C : Results

7. Results Empirical Research: Phase I 169

7.0 Introduction 171
7.1 Overview of Research Case Studies 172
7.2 e-Learning Culture 175
7.3 e-Learning Design 178
7.4 Performance Management 181
7.5 e-Learning Technology 184
7.6 e-Learning and Business Drivers 188
7.7 Concluding Remarks 193

8. Results Empirical Research: Phase II 199

8.0 Introduction 201
8.1 Overview of Research Case Organizations 202
8.2 Dimensions of Organizational Capabilities 203
8.3 Elements of an Effective Business Practice 208
8.4 Concluding Remarks 212
T H E B U S I N E S S I M P A C T O F E – L E A R N I N G 13

9. Conclusions 215

9.0 Introduction 217
9.1 How can e-Learning be defined? 218
9.2 How do enterprises justify their investments in e-Learning? 223
9.3 What appear to be critical success factors
for the implementation of e-Learning? 228
9.4 Which elements can make e-Learning an effective business practice? 233
9.5 The Business Impact of e-Learning 237
9.6 Recommendations for Future Research 240
i. Summary in Dutch 243
ii.. Epilogue: The Future of e-Learning within Enterprises 251
iii. References 257
iv. Appendices 273

Appendix A: Phase I, Case Interview Questionnaire 275
Appendix B: Phase II, Case Interview Questionnaire 284
Appendix C: Phase I, Summary Case Results Comparison 285
Appendix D: Phase II, Summary Case Results 287


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